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Bioenzyme - Rose - 750ml

Bioenzyme - Rose - 750ml


Rose Bioenzyme is a multipurpose natural cleaner made with rose petals, jaggery, and water. The roses are collected from temples,sorted, cleaned, and used to make rose bio enzymes.


Rose Bioenzyme works the same as the citrus bioenzyme except for the difference in smell.


Rose bioenzyme has a natural rose fragrance, and when used for mopping, he acts as a natural room refresher.

  • End of Life

    The grey water can be used for watering the plants, it acts as excellent fertiliser and plant growth booster. The alumininium bottle can be repurposed or can be sent for recycling.

  • Packaging

    Packed in 750ml aluminium bottles with paper sticker labels.

  • Usage Instructions

    1. Room Freshner

    Dilute rose bioenzyme(1ltr)with water(1ltr)and spray as aerosol for room freshener.

    2. As plant growth booster

    Rose Bioenzyme can be used as plant growth booster(5ml of rose bio enzyme in 1ltr water), spray on plants or add to the soil.

    3. As surface cleaner

    1 : 1 ratio of rose bio enzyme with water can be used for surface, mirror, glass cleaning. Spray the diluted enzyme and wipe with wet cloth.

    4. For laundry

    Rose Bioenzyme can be used in final wash of laundry(only for dark color clothes) as fabric conditioner and freshener. Always use diluted, Use 40 to 50 ml in 10 ltrs of water.

    5. Hand sanitiser

    Spray rose bio enzyme directly on palm.

    6. For mopping

    Rose bioenzyme has a natural rose fragrance and when used for mopping, acts as an natural room refresher. Use 50ml in 10 ltrs of water for mopping.

    7. As activator for face packs and masks

    Use rose bioenzyme as activator for face packs and mask, for bath powders etc.

    8. As hair conditioner

    Mix 20ml of rose bioenzyme in 1 ltr of water and use as final rinse on hair strands and scalp.

    9. As mirror and glass cleaner

    Mix 50ml of rose bioenzyme in 1 ltr of water, transfer to a spray bottle and use as any regular cleaner.

    10. As bathroom tiles cleaners

    Mix equal quantites of rose bio enzyme and reetha liquid and use it as regular cleaner

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